Sleep is the best medicine

by MaryBeth

Few people have more difficulty getting enough sleep than new parents and doctors-in-training. When I attended the Texas Maternal Mental Health Conference in April, sleep was mentioned as the first line of defense for any mom dealing with postpartum depression or anxiety. Good sleep can truly be life-saving. So it’s no surprise that researchers spend a lot of time investigating the safest and most effective sleep strategies for infants and their parents.

Recently the American Academy of Pediatrics published a new study that contradicts their previous recommendation that infants share a room with their parents for the first year. The data from this study suggest that infants who sleep in a separate room from Mom and Dad between 4 and 9 months may get more sleep and sleep for longer stretches than infants who share a room. These findings are pretty descriptive of my own experiences–even as recently as last weekend, when I tried unsuccessfully to room-share with my 11-month-old because we had family staying with us.

Below I’ve shared some of the basics of my approach to sleep during the first year of baby’s life. I am a firm believer that finding the key to infant sleep is not a “one-size-fits-all” proposition. Every family has to figure it out for themselves and go with what works for them. But, in the interest of passing on any wisdom I have, here it goes.

Safe co-sleeping was a life-saver for me as a nursing mom. The routine that we developed with our first baby (once his early weight issues were resolved) was that my husband slept in our guest bed and let me and the little one hog our entire Queen-sized bed for the first few months. We kept our bedding very simple and I made sure that my little guy was snuggled right next to me (not near any pillows). Our pediatrician knew that I co-slept and she supported that decision. Honestly, I think most moms who nurse understand that, when baby is eating frequently, the ability feed throughout the night without getting out of bed results in more and better sleep for everybody.

I always struggled with low milk supply, but as soon as we started supplementing with formula and/or solid foods between 6 and 9 months, I found that moving baby into the crib in a separate bedroom worked best. For the first few days after the transition, we used a gradual cry-it-out method for dealing with nighttime waking. We would go in and reassure after about 7 minutes of crying, but we’d always verbalize, “it’s time for sleep,” and we would not bring baby back into bed. This approach successfully limited the length of our sleep training period with all three kids to about one week. Once the night waking dropped to just 1-2 times per night, we’d stop going in the room altogether and 99% of the time, baby would get back to sleep in under 10 minutes.

Getting all of our kids to sleep through the night in a separate room by about 9-months-old wasn’t easy and I know people who’ve made different strategies work for them. But by the 9-month mark I was always ready to get my evenings back and sleep independently from my baby again. The space was welcome and helpful. Plus, we all got more sleep!! I’m also convinced that the transition would have been much harder if we’d waited until separation anxiety set in, which happened recently, around 11 months. And this was very apparent last weekend, when I could tell almost immediately upon trying to sleep in the same room as my baby girl that it was NOT going to work. Neither she nor I could sleep peacefully: I was afraid of making even the smallest noise and she awoke more often and did more crying because she could sense that I was in the room.

Even for seasoned parents, trying new things with your baby is important if the status quo is not working. I hope you have found or will soon find a sleep solution that works for your family!

Academic Fresh Start Texas Program

So, I got a few questions from a couple of readers after the introduction of Mary-Beth about the Texas Fresh Start Program. First off no Mary-Beth did not use this program but as some have showed some interest in it I decided to look into it and explain it a bit.

It is a unique program for Texas residents that allows all courses that were taken over 10 years ago to be for all intents and purposes ERASED.

If you are a non-traditional that had a bad undergrad this sounds like an amazing option to essentially get a second chance and not have to get a full semester of A’s only to have your GPA rise by a measly .02 points. 😦

What’s the catch?

  1. It is ALL or NOTHING if you do this you don’t get to choose what classes to keep and which to restart. ALL GRADES from 10+ years will be erased and they won’t count towards prerequisites nor your GPA.
  2. Only will help if your using the TMDSAS (unfortunately AMCAS will still want all your coursework and they will calculate it into your GPA)
  3. Must be a Texas Resident

While the benefits of this program are obvious there are some things that must be considered.

  • The amount of financial aid you qualify for is still determined by ALL credits taken even those that were “erased”
    • So please make sure that you qualify for enough financial aid or can pay for the total amount of time required for your degree
  • Other Graduate programs have different policies of how the Academic Fresh Start coursework will be counted
    • It’s a safe bet that if it is a PUBLIC Texas School then it will apply as this is a Texas Law

This is a great option if you plan on applying to only Texas schools, are financially able to support the 3+ years required, and all your bad courses are 10+ years or older.

With that said in my own opinion if you already have a Bachelors degree you may be better off just getting into a Masters program which will only take you 1 or 2 years to complete and your more recent grades will obviously have more weight than 10+ years ago. Although you must do exceptionally well in your Masters to make the argument of how you have changed from your frivolous early college years.

There are a few universities in other states that offer similar fresh start programs but I don’t see how it would help you in getting into medical school unless AMCAS adopts new policies and if TMDSAS recognizes fresh start programs from other states.


More Information:

TMDSAS Fresh Start Policies

Texas Fresh Start Law